The Mindful Parent
Sunday, April 25, 2004
"The Morning Cup" Helps Us Wake Up
The Mindful Parent Home Page recently has been modified. The top right section of the page is now titled, "The Morning Cup" and provides daily tips on becoming a more mindful parent. The website also provides access to The Morning Cup Archives.

Saturday, April 24, 2004
The Mindful Parent Adds Mindful Parenting Meditations
The Mindful Parent expands its mindful parenting offerings to include specially crafted mindful parenting meditations designed to connect, more deeply, parent and child. These soothing meditations draw on a variety of visualizations and sensory experiences that work together with the body and spirit to enhance one's feelings of joyfulness.

Saturday, April 03, 2004
The Mindful Parent Presents Children's Book Series
With the publication of "One Day Winston The Wave Woke Up," TheMindfulParent.org introduces its Mindful Parenting Children's Book Series. "One Day Winston The Wave Woke Up," is available on the Internet to provide parents with additional tools to expand the boundaries of their mindful parenting practice.

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